We’re Passionate About Film, Poster Art & The Memories That Film Posters Can Evoke.

Movie posters to adorn the walls of your home, business, or home cinema.

About page - The Tordoff Gallery original film posters Pateley Bridge Harrogate UK

A Lifetime of Cinematic Treasures: Our Journey & Your Invitation to Own a Piece of Film History

As film enthusiasts, we understand the allure of owning a piece of cinema magic, a tangible link to the iconic moments that have shaped filmmaking. For over 50 years, our passion for film has driven Jonathan and me to amass an extraordinary collection of film posters, spanning from the golden age of Hollywood to contemporary masterpieces.

When fellow film enthusiasts, Keith and Gloria Tordoff, former owners of The Oldest Sweetshop in Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, UK, offered us, the opportunity to display our collection in an old bank, we jumped at the chance!

Now Gloria, Jonathan, and I (Owen, aka Eric), are business partners.

The Top Of The World rare film poster - George Melford - The Tordoff Gallery UK

We’re thrilled to share these treasures with fellow film lovers like you.

Each poster is a testament to the artistry and storytelling power of cinema, a gateway to the emotions, memories, and worlds that movies have the power to evoke. The collection reflects our personal film taste and passion for the art form.

Whether you're drawn to the iconic imagery of classic films or seek the thrill of owning rare and sought-after posters, our collection has something to offer every cinephile. Imagine adorning your walls with these cinematic gems, transforming your home into a private theatre filled with the spirit of Hollywood.

With each poster you acquire, you're not just buying a piece of art; you're investing in a tangible piece of film history, a treasure that will bring joy and inspiration for years to come.

Owen aka Eric & Gloria

Jonathan, Owen aka Eric & Gloria

Embark on a cinematic journey through our collection and discover the perfect posters to add to your home or business.

How the collection started - Owen’s story

Owen started collecting about 50 years ago. I’ve loved film posters since I was a child. I just love the artwork.

When I was a paper boy in Harrogate and I used to go around on my bike, I’d used see the posters, especially the Hammers, and they were in these little boxes, just pasted over. I used to think what a waste. I appreciated even at that age, that this is art.

And it is art. Some of those Hammer posters were done by the top poster artists of the day. But they weren’t available to buy.

Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - The Tordoff Gallery rare and collector movie posters UK

Anything, Snow White and Owen loves it! See this one at the Gallery.

I started going to auctions and buying posters for my walls because I loved them. I never thought of them as an investment and I wanted to get my hands on as many as I could get!

Between working, I’d do the research, which was difficult as it was pre-internet. But it was so interesting.

I’d find out how many posters were printed, who the artist was, about the movie and slowly the collection got bigger and bigger.

Now, every day, I get more posters out from my vast collection that I can’t even remember buying or ever seeing before - what a joy!

There’s a giant poster of Il Gigante on display here from Sotheby’s that’s been rolled up for 30 years (see below). It’s believed to be the only one available in the UK!

It’s the best depiction of James Dean’s face ever. At the time when I bought it everybody in the room wanted it. But I got it!

il gigante - authentic rare vintage movie poster - The Tordoff Gallery UK

Il Gigante - one of our many rare posters, displayed in The Tordoff Gallery.

A Life Lived in Technicolour: Owen’s journey from celebrity hairdresser, to gig promoter in London, and film poster collector.

I’ve hung out with so many beloved film stars from the ‘60s.

Besides accumulating a wealth of knowledge about collecting film posters, I worked at the famous Vidal Sassoon Hairdressers on Bond Street, in London from 1966. It was there that I met, worked with, and became friends with most of the stars from the ‘60s.

The stars

During that time, I worked on many movies, including Rosemary’s Baby, and Clockwork Orange. We did Mia Farrow’s iconic pixie haircut, and I worked with many others including Faye Dunaway, Diana Ross, Shirley MacLaine, Charlotte Rampling and Carrie Fisher. I also worked with Dave Prowse, who was Darth Vader. Then, Tim Curry, from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Peter O’Toole, Richard Burton and Adam Faith. They were all lovely.

I’ve hung out with David Hockney, as well as having an involvement in shaping the London music scene and being instrumental in landing first gigs for iconic bands like the Sex Pistols and The Jam at venues like the Red Cow and the Nashville.

The collection - Jonathan’s story

My love of film started as a child living in Ireland. I used to spend hours watching foreign films, particularly Italian and French.

For me, watching foreign films with subtitles was no problem - everything about films mesmerised me.

Being a natural collector, I enjoyed collecting antiques, and later I was also drawn to collecting books of film star biographies. I poured over these books, soaking in everything I could about the stars, film finances, and filmmaking.

Later, I met Owen at Vidal Sassoon, and through our work together, he introduced me to many film stars. Imagine my excitement at meeting these high-caliber film stars in person. Of course, I was well-versed in their film work, and many of them became friends.

The poster collection was very much a joint effort, and it's been such a joy. Now, we're thrilled to share it with you!

You could say that I'm a film historian, particularly of old Hollywood (1896-1930/40s). My film knowledge is vast. In the past, I've also written short plays, particularly comedies.

Owen and I complement each other's interests. Owen is very much a fan of the artwork, and while I love the artwork too, my love is for the film itself.

Hell's House Bette Davis rare film poster - The Tordoff Gallery Harrogate UK

Hell’s House - rare original poster at the Gallery. Jonathan loves anything, Bette Davis!

Gloria’s favourite poster: The Return of The Pink Panther 1975 B1 Polish Poster

Gloria’s backstory

Film has always held a central place in my life. As a child, regular trips to the cinema with my family were joyous events. This tradition continued with our son. I also have a passion for books, and if I enjoy a book, I'll often watch the film adaptation, and vice versa.

Like Jonathan and Owen, my husband and I have always been passionate collectors of antiques and art. Poster collecting has been a natural extension of this passion.

Upon meeting Owen and Jonathan, this opportunity presented itself as the perfect fusion of all our interests and passions. The Tordoff Gallery was born!

Unique, Vintage, & Rare Posters

Jonathan and I began building up the collection, and each time we acquired a new poster, it would become our favourite.

We own many rare posters, including the 1942 re-release poster for Snow White, a 2002 Spider-Man poster withdrawn after 9/11 due to the reflection of the Twin Towers in the superhero's eye, and a Star Wars poster that was only ever used for the British premiere. This concept poster features images that don't even resemble the actors. My collection also includes the James Bond movie Thunderball poster and Harrison Ford's Blade Runner poster.

For more information, please visit our rare and vintage page.

We also own a rare 50-year-old film poster for A Bigger Splash, featuring one of David Hockney's famous LA pool paintings, and an Italian version of Andy Warhol's Heat (Owen’s personal favourite!). Additionally, we possess many signed posters, including those by Madonna, Julie Andrews, Christopher Lee, the Reservoir Dogs cast, and many more. Our collection also includes a Pulp Fiction poster featuring Uma Thurman smoking Lucky Strike cigarettes, which was withdrawn after the film company was sued by Lucky Strike.

We pride ourselves on our friendly & down-to-earth Yorkshire service

We regularly welcome people travelling far and wide to see the collection, including from Jersey and Scotland.

  • We’re always clear on price and it goes without saying that all of our posters are genuine, the prices are competitive (no London overheads!) and if a poster is in the shop, then it’s available for purchase and mailing - there’s no having to source it first prior to mailing out! 

  • All posters come with a signed Certificate of Authenticity (please look at our FAQ’s) and of course, we are continually cataloguing fresh posters (some never seen by the public) from Owen and Jonathan’s vast private collection.

  • We have film posters to suit everyone’s taste so please feel free to browse our online gallery shop or pop in and visit our physical Gallery located in Pateley Bridge. If you’d like to book a 1:1 viewing of any of our rare and vintage posters at the gallery, please get in touch.

  • If you have a particular poster in mind, we can search through our vast collection to find it. Due to the large amount of posters in Owen's collection, this can take time but we’re more than happy to oblige.

Visit the Contact page for opening times, a map, and info. on the area.

Kind Feedback

Went today with my children and we absolutely loved the gallery - we bought 4 posters. Really friendly and made us feel very welcome!

- Oliver Sheffield

We Believe In…

  • Licence To Kill office mockup | The Tordoff Gallery


    We only sell guaranteed original posters and no reproductions. All our posters come with a Certificate of Authenticity. Each poster is either from Owen’s prized collection or was hand-picked utilising his lifetime of knowledge and expertise.

  • The Beatles Yellow Submarine bathroom poster mockup | The Torodff Gallery


    A film poster can bring a space to life in your home and spark creativity. We also appreciate the high levels of skill required to create a film poster that communicates an idea into words and pictures that evoke feelings. It is very much an art form.

  • The Mask living room poster mockup | The Tordoff Gallery


    We believe film posters make powerful conversation starters that bring people closer together. We love hearing customer stories about their favourites. From time to time we have the pleasure of chatting with the original artists as well as aspiring film-making students.